Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Five tips for keeping typos out of your resume

1: Review it later

You can’t confidently correct a resume while you’re writing it, because you see what you intended to write, not what’s really on the screen. Wait several hours or, even better, a day or two.

2: Get someone else to edit it for you

Not a replacement for reviewing it yourself, but a second set of eyes is essential for seeing your words fresh and impartially.

3: Print it out

It’s easier to see many kinds of errors on the printed page that you’d miss on a computer screen.

4: Read it aloud

Just like a printed resume looks different from what’s on the screen, reading it out loud sounds different from reading it in your head. When you actually hear the words, you’ll notice that some things just don’t make sense.

5: Read it from the bottom up

Reading your resume out of sequence can disrupt the logical flow that helps your brain make sense of things that are grammatically incorrect or have other language problems. Also, you’ll see the end with fresh eyes, whereas ordinarily you’ll be burnt out by the time you reach the end and more likely to miss errors.

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