Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top five career investments for 2012

It’s almost New Year’s, and it’s time to get serious about investing in yourself, your career and your immediate future. January is just around the corner and that’s reason enough to take action and hold you accountable for a new beginning.
1. Smaller networks of influential people: Invest in a smaller, more focused network of people that can add value to your career and assist give you the insights you require to broaden your perspective. Making the right choices in people will save you time, money and frustration.
2. Improve your speaking and negotiation skills: Speaking and writing represent two of the most significant skills for career success. Mastering the art of communication is more important than ever at a time when trust and relationship building is at a best.
3. Develop your wealth in resources: Entrepreneurship isn’t just a business term anymore; it’s a way of life. You don’t require being an entrepreneur to be entrepreneurial. In fact, entrepreneurship isn’t just about making cash but rather about creating the wealth in resources that authentic relationships can bring.
4. Play a more active role in the industry you serve: If you want to advance in your career, give back to your industry. You may be a hero inside the corporate walls, but what do you mean to the industry that your company is serving? Make a mark and leave your legacy on your industry. Be active, contribute and earn respect from your peers. Down the road they may assist your career. Learn how the industry allowed them to be successful.
5. Evaluate your investment and your own progress each month: Always work to get better yourself by evaluating your own performance. Write your career goals down, and the steps wanted to get there. Evaluate the outcomes each month and course-correct as required. While getting feedback from your peers and your boss is extremely significant, over time you must learn how to evaluate yourself. If you believe that you need to get better your self-discipline – hire a coach.
2012 will be your year if you focus, invest, and stick to your plan!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Amazing 5 Tips to improve Personality Development

Being a human being, you should achieve your personal goals, dealing with others and coping with situations in our life as they happen is also very important. Personality development helps to increase your efficiency and enhance yourself as a person achieving success in all your activities. Keep in mind, it is an ongoing process and it never ends, and so these 5 tips for Personality Development need to be adhering to no matter at what stage of your career or life you are in.

1. Keep flashing a sunny smile - People undervalue the significance of a bright smile and keep a glare on their face. Smiling faces convey a positive signal to others and you are supposed as a warm person ready to accept others in your life.. People can find it easy to work and interact with you.

2. Make Way for Colorful Clothing - Among prominent Personality Development Tips is the way you dress up and dress code manner will shows your personality. Using bright colored apparels will make you feel livelier from inside. And when you start to feel well from inside, it reflects on your personality very quickly and people will interacts you and it will create good impression of you with others.

3. Experience Diverse Things - Doing a lot of things widen your horizons and viewpoint and also helps in developing people skills is one of the most important Personality Development Tips.

4. Be Grateful - People will appreciate you when they know that you remember their efforts and practices. Being social helps in numerous ways and you will be surprised by others and people are more than ready to help you when you are in distress.

5. Be Responsible- Do not always cribs about things and other people. Do not blame others for your failures and take responsibility for your actions and be a reliable person, this will show your Personality Development.

Personality Development Tips are common for everyone and not just for those who facing problem or difficulties in their lives. You will being surprised and amazed at how just a little effort on your part will changes your Personality Development. These tips not only bring the success that you achieved in your life, it also shows your efforts and quality of your life.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Quick Tips to Get New Readers

1. Tell a Story - Create a hook or theme for each of your articles. Incorporate a story that your audience can connect to or relate to instead of just plainly stating facts. How you choose to present information to your audience can make a big difference. A well-written story will attract more readers.

2. Speak to 1 Person - Use your article to communicate directly to a single reader. Focus on using "you" instead of "he", "she", "they", etc. This influences the readers perception that you are speaking directly to them and not to just anyone out in cyberspace. Plus, if it's your first impression with a reader, it's a great way to start forming a relationship for the future.

3. Provide Original Information - Deliver your story and information in a fresh and original way. Your originality is what will set you apart from other authors. Remember, quality still matters, and having an original article is just part of the equation. You also need to make sure your article is built soundly with proper grammar and punctuation.

4. Draw Inspiration - Use experiences in your everyday life for writing inspiration. Live in your niche and bring your personal experiences and stories into your articles. Try to write those ideas down that come to you right when they pop in your head. Then you'll have them ready for when you have time to write.

5. Be Creative - Tell a new story with every article you write. Break the mold and get creative. The more you incorporate your creativity into your articles, the more likely you'll start to gain a wider audience.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is your boring job leading you to burnout? here are 5 tips

Each morning you wake up and crib about going to work. When you are at office, you feel the clock hardly ticks and at the end of the day you can?t wait to get out of office. In simple words, you are bored of your job. What should be done?

Researchers of University of Zaragoza in Spain believe that if you do not do something about your job and continue to get bored, it will eventually lead to a burn out. Burnout is a psychological term for the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest.

Sometimes only a change of viewpoint is needed to convert a tiresome duty into an interesting opportunity so here are a few tips on how you can save yourself from burn out.

Create New Challenges:

Challenges are a key factor in your job. Every day when you encounter different challenges, you grow as a person and as an employee. If your job does not have anything interesting you will have to explore the dimensions of your job and see if you could make your profile more worthwhile. Setting up goals, thinking of how to make your job creative and how to improve your productivity is something you can concentrate on. Take the initiative to create challenges for yourself.

Asking for more responsibility:

If you continue to do the same thing again and again, and you're good at it, people are going to keep asking you to do that one thing, That may be fine as far as
your boss and the company are concerned, but it means that you may be unfulfilled and that your professional skills are declining over time. Your boss's job is to get the job done, but it up to you on how you can grow professionally.

Improve your skills:

Choose a skill that you often felt that needs more of your attention, sharpening and polishing. It is the best opportunity to work on your skills and it will be useful for y
ou in future to get a new job. Whether it is computer programming, writing, working with Adobe InDesign, or whatever, you can perfect it.

Add variety:

Variety is a great way to spice up boring tasks. Try doing your activity in a new way. See if there is a different method for solving the same problem. Having routines can keep you
productive, but if you are starting to procrastinate, try switching things up to make it more engaging.

Reclaim Your Sense of Humor:

It doesn't seem funny when you lose your motivation and can't seem to find your way. The best way to change this is by simply deciding to do so. Look for the humor i
n things large and small, even in taking yourself so seriously to begin with. With a little change of perspective, the world can seem like a whole lot nicer place and that goal of yours not quite so out of reach.

read more

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Ten Tips on Career Advancement


1. Talk to Your Boss

Sit down and have a very direct and pointed conversation with your boss about your future in the company. Stress that you want your job performance to meet the company's goals. Share your own career goals. Your boss will respect this display of confidence and maturity.

2. Ask for More Work

Volunteering to help out other departments or teams -- or simply asking for more responsibilities -- increases your value within the organization. Asking for additional work shows an interest and desire to help your department and company to succeed. It also puts a spotlight on your value to the business.

3. Volunteer for Boards

If you have your career set on something beyond what you are doing in your present position, seek out opportunities to volunteer or serve on advisory boards, where you can build a reputation as someone who is passionate and dedicated to your particular target industry.

4. Sharpen Your People Skills

Strong interpersonal skills play a crucial role in gaining the respect of your boss and co-workers; they will also attract the notice of outside influencers who might open new doors of opportunity for you. Be friendly, outgoing, and personable. Listen carefully to people, and practice being a clear and effective communicator.

5. Be Innovative


Never be afraid to think outside the box and put your business acumen to work. Stay on the lookout for creative solutions to problems that will make you -- and your boss -- look good.

6. Find a Mentor

Develop mentoring relationships, either inside or outside of your company. Recent studies have shown that four out of five promotions are influenced by a mentor higher up in the company. Mentors are also great sources of information and career guidance.

7. Sell Yourself


Learn the fine art of self-promotion. If you have had major accomplishments or created successful programs, make sure people know about it -- especially those in influential positions who could help you advance professionally. Let it be known that you are seeking a promotion or the next step up in your career.

8. Keep Learning

A proven way to advance in your career is to be continually acquiring new knowledge. Stay on top of trends or developments in your field and make sure that your current résumé reflects those needed skills.

9. Expand Your Network


Strengthen your personal network by joining professional organizations, attending industry conferences, or even volunteering. The more people who are aware of your strengths and abilities, the better your chances of hearing about any new opportunities that might arise.

10. Build Your Reputation


In business, your reputation is the most valuable thing you own. Be known for being dependable, professional, and cooperative. Act and look the part by dressing professionally. Make a name for yourself by attending conferences, delivering speeches, or writing articles.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tips for interview

Research thoroughly about the company you are going for an interview. Find out the business of the company, what are the skills they are looking for, how you can contribute to the company's growth, company's prospects, your growth prospects etc. etc. Use your network to find out about the company, talk to career consultants to find out, look out on the internet.

If company has a web presence, visit their web site and note down all the factors, which will help you arrive at a decision. Make a list of questions you may have come up. These can be asked and get answered at the time of interview.

Talk to friends/acquaintances in the company to find out the inner details.

Dress formally for the interview, but don't overdress. Dress what is appropriate in your climate.

Always reach 15-30 minutes earlier than the expected time. You can use effectively utilize that time to make observations about the company and its employees.

If possible, get the interview scheduled in the morning hours, the time when both you and the interviewers are still fresh.

About the questions asked, always reply to the point. Do not repeat the same thing and politely decline, in case you don't know the answers. No one is supposed to know everything.

Look straight in the eyes of the person while talking. This shows your confidence.

Always have your doubts cleared at the end of the interview. Ask all the questions you had made a list. This shows you are sincere and have done your homework before appearing for the interview.

Never ask for the salary figures/details in the interviews. Leave these questions for later.

If an expected salary figure is asked, politely tell that it should be commensurate with your skills and experience. If still pressed for figure, give your currently drawn salary and ask for an appropriate raise over it.

At the end of the interview, always thank the interviewers and shake their hands.
Last but not the least, whatever may be your requirement for the job, never show your desperation for it

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The most useful Tips for Starting a New Career in SEO

Are you thinking about starting up a new business in search engine marketing?

With recent economic trends, there are a lot of businesses that really do need help with legitimate relevancy building SEO strategies. Search engine marketing skills are the order of the day.

When I first started with my own studies of SEO or search engine optimization back in the 90s, the big search engines at the time were Webcrawler, Infoseek (an optimizers dream) and Lycos, then came Altavista, Magellan and Excite, Inktomi, Hotbot. And do you remember Northern Light? These were all around before Google which was launched. But back in the early days, even the acronym of "SEO" had not been really formed. I think most people referred to early search engine optimization as "Web Positioning."

So fast forward to today.

One of the great things that has occurred with the search engine industry is the great opportunity for people who have always wanted a business all their own. A business that you can literally operate from any city or town or location of choice. With people fine tuning their SEO skills they can also choose from different types of work, based on their own niches or choices.

I am sharing just a few tips for starting a new SEO career today, for those of you interested in starting a successful search engine marketing business and want a few of the smartest tips for starting your own SEO business.

Tips for Starting a New Career in SEO

One of the things to keep in mind is how you can become uniquely different than the competition. Everyone talks about setting themselves apart, but have you really refined the vision for your new SEO business. Assuming you are serving a client base offering SEO services to others, how will you be different than everyone else? The best formula to use is creative thinking and brainstorming with someone as a brainstorming partner. You need someone you can trust and someone who is good at brainstorming. As you fashion certain ideas, you want to allow yourself the liberty to believe that literally, anything is possible. Dream big, for your new business.

Keep your SEO skills fresh and continually growing

Regardless of where we are in our knowledge and skills - we must continually stay fresh and growing. As you have already probably surmised, it's competitive out there. So the first step is to get comfortable with your own SEO skills and get yourself up to speed with all the latest. This is probably the first and single most important step in building your brand new SEO business. You need to start by at least gaining a true comfort level with your own skills and understanding. Maybe you already have that comfort level, but maybe you feel like you would like some personalized help to catch up. Whatever your situation, take the step you need to get solid understanding and balance before you get involved with demanding clients. You need to have the peace of mind knowing how you can make each of your new client's profitable with the minimum of stress.

One excellent bit of advice is to spend some time working on your own Web sites right after you train so you can quickly build that confidence you need. Working on your own Web site gives you the complete liberty to create exactly what you want, without interference. You can do the job the way you know it should be done and you could do some affiliate marketing to make a little income too, while you practice and fine tune what you've learned. Once you have that SEO comfort level, then you can consider taking on new clients.

I said earlier, that creative thinking is great for the purpose of brainstorming. But next to that comes the element of implementation. Creativity is great but it must go hand in hand with the activity which is essential to see your business become a reality. Attitude and positive thinking are very great to keep motivation up but unless activity is going on you cannot succeed. Creative thinking is great for new idea generation but the other essential half you need is an action plan. Nothing truly exceptional is ever built without dedicated hard work and the mindset of giving it 100% of all you got. You need to stay focused on your plan of action to see you business established, take root and grow.

You need to lift your sights a little higher than just obtaining good rankings these days. You need to know that with each client you take on, you can find ways that will make them profitable with your results. Make that one of your objectives and you will be applying the beginning of wisdom as part of your foundation. This can really accelerate the popularity and the reputation that follows your work. Your client needs profitable results in true sales and conversions too. Being able to make a client profitable is what can build your reputation ultra-quickly. After all, that is the reason 99% of the time they are hiring you. Fulfill this objective over and over again and your services and fame will spread.

Remember that in the search engine marketing business, you want to build your reputation to beyond the clients expectations for every project you handle. You don't want to aim for just an occasional success story....but a stream of success stories one after the other. This can be achieved once you have your comfort level with your skills and then using wisdom in how you grow your business. Once you get a hold of this, it's your reputation and your proven SEM batting average that begins to quickly turn the tides and make a whole new way of doing business for you. The first thing you start to see is referral business. Instead of chasing down new clients - you begin to see your profitable clients referring new business to you.

One Final Tip...

How much do you enjoy your SEO or Search Engine Marketing work.
How passionate are you about your SEO work?

It is very important to build your business based on some aspect of search engine marketing that you are passionate about. It makes a huge difference when your clients see how much you love your work and as long as it is your business, why not excel in something you enjoy doing. It does not make sense to build a career around something you are not passionate about as long as you have the choice (and you do.)

Friday, June 24, 2011

new 15 career tips for recent grads

Do Your Research

Before you go in for your interview, be sure to research the company you are applying to. By having an in depth understanding of the company as well as some background information on whoever is interviewing you, you will come across as prepared and interested in the company.

Practice Interviewing

Take time to practice interviewing before you go in for an interview. Have a family member or friend ask you the most common interview questions so you can be polished and know what you are going to say ahead of time instead of winging it.

Come Prepared With Questions

At the end of any job interview, the interviewer will ask you if you have any questions for them. Make sure you have a few questions to ask the interviewer. This can be anything from “what do you like best about your job?” to “how would you describe the work atmosphere here?” By asking a few questions, you show interest in the interviewer and the company.

When in Doubt, Dress Up

If you aren’t sure what kind of dress is expected of employees, be sure to go more formal than informal. By dressing up, you show that you are professional and that you are taking the interview process seriously.

Be Flexible

When applying for jobs, be flexible about where you apply. Don’t limit yourself to just one city or one company. Keep an open mind about all potential opportunities.

Keep Building Your Resume

While you apply for jobs, continue to build your resume. Take on an internship, volunteer, or take on a part time job. By continuing to build your resume and increase your skill set, you make yourself more marketable to potential employers.

Figure Out Where You Are Going Wrong

If you aren’t landing any jobs, take a look at where you are going wrong. If you aren’t getting any interviews, go back over your resume and spruce it up by getting more experience or adding information to it. If you are getting interviews but not jobs, practice your interviewing skills so that you can be more successful in your interviews and potentially get job offers.

Utilize Your Network

Reach out to the people in your professional network for their assistance in your job hunt. Oftentimes when it comes to getting hired, it’s not what you know but who you know. So send along your resume and have your contacts pass it along to anyone they know at their

Don’t Rely Solely on the Internet

When searching for a job, don’t depend solely on the Internet. Be sure to attend job fairs, industry events, and utilize other networking opportunities to get your resume out there.

Have an Elevator Speech

An elevator speech is a 30 second spiel about your experience and career goals. Having an elevator speech is not only a great way to quickly introduce yourself at networking events but is also a good way to answer the “tell me about yourself” interview question.

Sign Up for LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great way to get all of your professional contacts in one place for networking. Sign up for LinkedIn, add everyone you know, and make sure to fill out your profile completely. LinkedIn also has a job search tool, so take advantage of that.

Send Thank You Notes

After every interview, be sure to send thank you notes to each person who interviewed you. Sending a thank you note shows that you appreciate the interviewer’s time and gives you an advantage over candidates who don’t send thank you notes.

Do What You Love

No matter what, take a job that you will love. If you don’t, you will be miserable and probably won’t end up staying at your job very long. Be sure you are happy with what you are doing.

Don’t Get Discouraged

If you are getting lots of rejections, don’t get discouraged. Remember that times are tough right now and getting a job is hard. Keep sending out your resume and stay positive.

Utilize Your School’s Resources

Most schools will give graduates access to their career center up to one year after graduation. So head on over to your career center to get your resume critiqued, practice your interviewing skills, and check out recent job postings.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


1. Take responsibility for your own career development. Many large organizations have scaled back on training and development-a common outcome of the economic downturn-and small companies can rarely provide significant support. Simply put, your career rests in one set of hands: yours.

2. Be strategic. Have a long-term career strategy or, at the very least, a sense for where you’re headed. Ask yourself, “What do I really want to do?” or “Where do I see myself in five to ten years?” Seek people in similar roles and ask for their advice.

3. Work in step with your company’s goals. Connect the dots from your role to your company’s vision and key objectives. How does your work align with the organization’s goals? What can you do to maximize your contributions?

4. Be customer-centric. Whether your customers are internal or external, know their wants and needs, and be fervent about meeting them. Bring the voice of the customer into your day-to-day work and let it enhance your decisions and deliverables.

5. Collaborate. Working with and through others is requisite to innovating, creating, and producing business results. Adopt a mindset for teaming and collaborating, and put it into daily practice.

6. Hone your communication skills. Communication skills can make or break careers. Pick one area that needs your attention-considering skills such as listening, presenting, influencing, persuading, or distilling messages-and commit to improvement. Take a class, practice with a trusted friend or colleague, or join a group such as Toastmasters.

7. Cross over functionally. Many successful executives have risen through the ranks by taking cross-functional roles, such as moving from finance to sales or from marketing to IT. Follow their lead and you can grow your skills, your network, and your political capital.

8. Expand your experience. Volunteer for special projects or assignments that are outside your everyday role. Discuss your goals with your boss, an HR representative, or a senior leader, and ask for help in finding opportunities to broaden your experience base.

9. Find a guide. Mentors can serve as influential role models and provide important guidance for your career. Reach out to a potential mentor within your company or industry and see if he or she would be open to mentoring you for a specific purpose and timeframe.

10. Network-now. The best time to increase your network is today. Starting now, get involved in groups such as professional associations, charitable organizations, or even sports leagues. Step into leadership roles and make your expertise known.

11. Specialize. Today, companies look for specialists, not generalists. Develop a personal brand, distinguish your skills and strengths, and determine how to best market yourself.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Graphic design career tips

The Graphic Design Career is a fast growing career that is becoming more and more competitive with every passing day. People are realizing how much money is available and how flexible the graphic and web design career really is.

1) Get Experience Doing Graphic Design Work & Working with REAL Clients

In design school, they don’t really focus on how to assess a client’s needs, wants, mood swings, and basic demographic factors. They certainly do not teach you how to learn basic communication principles, how to follow-up correctly with a prospective graphic design client. Academia is a long way away from perfection. That means it’s time for you to educate yourself on how to do REAL graphic design and get the wheels in motion so you can slowly but surely climb the ladders.

2) Choose Between Freelancing & Getting a Graphic Design Job

If you have never freelanced before, I recommend working as a freelancer on a strictly part-time basis to test the waters, while working a graphic design job prior to committing yourself to full-time freelance work or you may be conditioning yourself for disappointment. Get a handle on how to manage a project and a REAL deadline, and then start to learn how to manage a client. Remember, clients are REAL people. That means, real problems. A client may attempt to get you to complete work for free, forget or miss a payment, procrastinate in getting you content so you can complete their website design.

3) Graphic Designers Should Stick to What They Are Great At

If you enjoy working with vector graphics, you could familiarize yourself primarily with Adobe Illustrator, and perhaps specialize in icon-creation or acquire some knowledge of Adobe Flex and design interfaces for cell phones and other mobile devices. If you can’t take your hand off of a lead pencil crayon, it may be a good time to consider doing concept artwork for video games. If find yourself constantly doodling or drawing logos, icons, and enjoy coming up with tag-lines, become a branding and logo design expert.

4) Graphic Design Career – Start Small, Think Big

You are young, talented, and can afford to avoid some mistakes that could be avoided. Now, to a creative person, even the thought of writing an agreement or contract is daunting, so either get it done by a legal professional or suffer the consequences. Focus on what you do best and remember the rule of numbers – the more people you talk to, the more projects you will acquire. Keep going. Go to networking sessions, industry meetups, and other social events. Social media and email are mostly useful for follow-up. Don’t give up, but be smart and avoid setting yourself up for failure.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Five Tips for Young Professionals

When making forecasts about your career future, one thing is sure: it’s going to be buffeted by change. As a young professional, you can take steps to be ready for some likely twists and turns.

Get on a learning curve
Identify what you need to learn in the next months and create a plan for accomplishing this goal. Continue to set learning agendas for yourself. As the world keeps changing, successful professionals will stay up with new developments.

Be technically knowledgeable
Virtually all work in the future will require technical competence. You don’t have to be a programmer, but you should be competent on basic computer systems and software programs and aware of how technology can be applied.

Improve your personal-interaction skills

More routine work will be automated, leaving employees to do what’s left. Young professionals will stand out if they can interact with and manage people effectively.

Be good at balancing work and life
As work spills over into life, and vice versa, professionals must know when work starts and stops and help other employees to set those boundaries as well.

Take time to look over the horizon
Be a futurist. Cultivate the ability to forecast what’s just around the corner, so you can prepare for it.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

6 Tips to Help Young Professionals Fit In

1. Dress well
Even if the company is “business casual” you can’t be that way. You can’t wear the uniform until you’re part of the team. The best rule of thumb is to dress at least one step above whatever everyone else is wearing, and to wear a suit if anyone at the company wears a suit. Don’t just do in with a shirt and tie. Wear the jacket, too. Look professional.

2. Don’t text
Younger generations love to text. Generally speaking, texting at work should be kept to an absolute minimum. Texting while driving is incredibly stupid, illegal, and can get someone killed. Texting while at meals with another person is incredibly rude. The phone/computer should be turned off during any business meetings, any business lunches, or anytime you are supposed to be interacting with real-world people.

3. Work must be produced
We value you for the work you produce, not just for existing. This means you have to actually do something during the work day to get paid and get ahead. Some of you work very hard, and some of you don’t. This is to the ones who don’t. Unemployment is not fun. Neither is living with your parents until you’re 40.

4. Be respectful
You’re not dealing with someone who is a social equal. When you’re interviewing for a job, or working on a job, you’re dealing with someone who is your boss. Even if you have a friendship with him or her outside of the office, while you’re at the office you need to treat this person with the atmost of respect. If you cannot be respectful to your boss, you probably will eventually be looking for another job.

5. Understand life and work are not fair
You may think it would be fair for you to get highly applauded and given time off because you worked 80 hours this week. Life isn’t fair and neither is work. Learn it. Live it. Know it. If you get a “good job” for a job well done, you’re lucky. If you get a “thank you,” you’re even luckier. If your boss gives you time off to go snow-boarding or jump out of a perfectly good airplane, or whatever, you’re very, very lucky. Probably what will happen is you’ll get a nod, and everyone will get back to work. Your accomplishments won’t be celebrated. You aren’t going to get a parade. Live with it. The rest of us have been living with it all of our lives.

6. Manners, manners, manners
Behave yourself and remember your manners. A belch at dinner is not funny anymore. Shoving your way into an elevator before everyone is out is not acceptable. And so on. If you don’t know manners, buy one of the many great business etiquette books on the market.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Top 8 telephone Interview tips

The following 8 quick telephone interview tips will help prepare yourself for a successful call.


Try to find out who will be interviewing you. Will there be multiple people on the call? If possible get their names and titles. Become familiar with these before the call and you will have one less thing to worry about during the call.

Make a list of your accomplishments, goals and strengths. On another list write out your weaknesses and what you are doing to overcome them. On a third sheet write down why you are interested in the company.

Never forget that a telephone interview is still an interview. Take time to practice interview questions with friends or family. Ask them to provide honest feedback so you can improve your responses. Mock interview questions can easily be found on the internet or the bookstore.

During the mock interview, have your friend ask you questions both over the phone and in person. Make sure that he/she listens not only for content, but also tone, rate and clarity of your speech. If possible, record yourself speaking. Are you speaking slowly and clearly? Can you easily be heard?

Stake out a quiet space to occupy during your interview. Ideally, there should be a comfortable place to sit as well as a table to lay out your papers.

Have a copy of your resume and cover letter close at hand. Take out those lists you made while organizing your thoughts. In addition keep any notes related to the company that you feel may be helpful during the call.

Place a notepad and several pens or pencils on the table. These will be helpful in writing down notes, questions and most importantly, your interviewer's names

As the appointed hour draws near, make sure that the television and the radio are turned off. Exit your email and turn off your computer screen. If possible, disable your call-waiting.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Career advancement tips

Career advancement is a long term process and results in future development of an individual. Every individual at the start of their career is inexperienced but with the passage of time he gets more better and it is career advancement.

Go one step further

As a professional who wants to advance in his career, you must always be prepared to go an extra mile and do more than the minimum job requirement. This shows that you are enthusiastic and have the desire to learn and progress.

Take initiative

If you want to become successful, you have to be proactive and well prepared to take initiative rather than waiting to be asked to take care of a job.

Keep learning

Even when you have been in the professional field for months and years, you have to keep the learning process going, as there is always the need to update the existing skills that you possess and learning new to keep up with the rest.

Be innovative

Be creative and come up with new ideas and suggestions not only on specific projects, but also for the general benefit of the company.

Accept your mistakes

A successful professional is one who is ready to accept his mistakes and is able to learn from them. If you are stubborn and refuse to admit that you were wrong, there is no room left for growth and development.

Focus on long term goals

Career growth is all about long term goals so instead of focusing on what you are learning and gaining in the short term, pay attention to the long term benefits and gains.

Share your views

You must share your views and ideas in meetings to make a place for yourself. If you keep silent and are reluctant to share views, the seniors perceive you as a laid back person who is not interested in contributing to the team.

Invest in connections

Networking and making connections is the most important part of career growth as the more people you know in your field, the greater are the chances of your success.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Top career change ideas

Top seven career change tips is mention below:

1. Forget Job Titles
Job titles really inhibit your thinking. If I asked you to list all the jobs you could think of, you might come up with a couple of hundred before you ran dry. In reality there are thousands of jobs out there that you would never identify under your own steam, so forget the job title and focus instead on the key themes that are important for you in a job.

2. List what you dont want to do

This is often quite easy to do if you are in a job you hate and it is a very useful exercise. It helps you focus on the aspects of a job that really drive you nuts and then also pick out those that are annoying in your current job but actually you would be prepared to put up with to some degree in a different situation.

3. List what you think you should want to do
What do you think your career should look like? What pressure are you putting on yourself to confirm to certain expectations. Just check with yourself whose rules you are following here. Who exactly says that your career must look like this?

4. List what you would do if anything were possible
Yes, you are allowed to take the brakes off here and create a big dream. Forget the constraints you put on yourself, wherever they come from.

5. List what you would do if you gave yourself permission to say that you want it
So often, we limit the possibilities in our lives because we just dont allow ourselves to want something. Maybe you want to earn lots of money but that seems too greedy. Maybe you want to have an easy, quiet job - but that seems too lazy. Maybe you want to set up your own business but you cant because you have to think about so many other people in your life first.

6. Reinvent yourself
If you could rewind the tape on your life and re-run it, what would you do? If you could dump all the stuff, the rules, the history that you have gathered on your journey through life to this point and travel light without the baggage, where would your journey take you? What would the new you look like and what work would this new person be doing?

7. Think big and think small
Your new career does not have to be something world changing and grand. If you want to change the world, great! Go ahead and build your new career around this big vision. But if you feel drawn to operating on a more local scale, thats fine too. Small changes can be just as transforming for your career and your life as big ones, so dont be fooled into thinking that bigger is necessarily better. Career change success is about finding what feels right for you.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Top Interview Tips

The job interview is your chance to impress the interviewer with your skills and confidence.

Before the Interview

Review the job duties included in the Vacancy Notice.
Research the department.
Dress professionally. Don’t wear perfume or cologne.
Bring extra copies of your resume.
Bring a pen and paper to write down any information you might need to remember.
Prepare a few questions to ask the interviewer.
Prepare answers to any questions you think you might be asked (see sample questions below).

At the Interview

Arrive on time. Try to be a few minutes early if possible.
Try to relax. Be yourself.
Show self-confidence – make eye contact; answer questions in a clear voice.
Remember to listen.
Think before answering questions. Try to make your answers as clear as possible.
Avoid negative body language – crossing your arms, swinging your foot or leg, slouching, covering your mouth while speaking.
When given a chance, ask any questions that you have prepared in advance. You can also follow up on anything that the interviewer tells you during the interview.

After the Interview

End the interview with a handshake and thank the interviewer for his or her time.
Find out when the department plans to make a hiring decision.
Follow up with a short “thank you for the interview” note.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Top career advancement tips

Every individual seeks advancement in their living especially when it comes to their career. Career advancement means the updation of an individual in regards to his particular skills and accomplishments. Career advancement is a long term process and results in future development of an individual. Every individual at the start of their career is inexperienced but with the passage of time he gets more better and it is career advancement.

Career advancement starts from the very first job you pursue, as you get more exposure towards work you are ready to face more challenges.

An individual must posses an established position in the work place, as it is one of the vital tools for advancement in career.

Have a chat with your boss regarding your performance and promotion in the company, this will let you know where you stand at your present work place.

People concerned about career advancement should always have ability to achieve higher learning goals, gaining knowledgeable skills and should be updated with the latest trend in the industry.

Be an effective listener as well as a clear communicator, as this will help an individual to influence others and achieve goals in his career.

If you additionally wish to work for some other department of your business let your employer know your desire to work for those as well along with your current business line. Proper action taken at right time helps an individual to achieve their goals.

Build a strong relation with your colleagues, as this will help you to know about your weaknesses and strengths at your work place.

Every firm seeks the best employee in the industry, and for being the best there should be abundant of innovative ideas and an intellectual thinking. So train your intellect for new ideas and innovations.

Also individuals with more experience and few skills have more chances for advancement, so learn from all your jobs. Each job will teach you something and the gain will be beneficial for your career advancement.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

career change planning

A career change is a move that should be thought of in all seriousness. Before making the decision, you need to find out if you're fit for a career change. Ask yourself these questions.

Are you finished soul searching?
Quitting "unprepared" will only lead to a disaster. Before you throw in the towel, look for industries that match your personal passions. And then find out whether these industries are actually hiring.

Can you consider yourself "better" than most job hunters?

Experience is not enough in today's job search. Figure out the skills that you need to be qualified for the new job that you want. Then try to attend as much seminars as you can. You might want to get a new degree too.

Is your network enough to get you moving?
We've always been saying that networking can do wonders in job search. When the going gets tough in your job hunting, your contacts will be the ones to keep your optimism intact as they can provide you first-hand job leads.

Lastly, are you prepared for the stress?
Chances are it has been a long time since you've been on a job hunt and the present situation of the job market may surprise you a bit. Always remember to look at things in a positive light and don't let your ego get in the way.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Career advancement Tips

Here's a list of the top 10 tips you can use to advance your career:

Don't be afraid to say "I don't know."
If you don't know something, say so; don't try to fake it.

Take responsibility for your actions
If you're at fault, admit it and take the blame. If you're wrong, apologize.

Never gossip
Gossip can hurt the careers of two people the person being talked about, and the person doing the talking.

Never say "That's not my job."
Don't think you are above anything. Pitch in and set a good example, especially if the job is one that nobody else wants to do. Your willingness to do so will be noticed and appreciated!

Share the credit
People who share credit with others make a much better impression than those who take all the credit themselves.

Ask for help when you need it
Don't let a difficult task get out of hand. When you need help, ask for it -- before things get worse.

Keep your dislike to yourself
If you don't like someone, don't let it show. Never burn bridges or offend others as you move ahead in your career.

Don't hold grudges
Life isn't always fair. If you were passed over for promotion, didn't get the project you wanted, etc., let it go. Be gracious and diplomatic, focus on the future and move on. Harboring grudges won't advance your career.

Be humble
When you're right, don't gloat about it. Never say "I told you so!"

Make others feel important
Compliment others, emphasize their strengths and contributions, and help them whenever you can. They will enthusiasitcally help you in return.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

10 Tips on Career Advancement

Many career experts agree that the best time to look for a new job is whileyou are still comfortably in your old one. If you’re starting to feel unchallenged in your present position, you may be ready for a promotion to the next level. If there aren’t many career advancement opportunities where you work, the best next job may be waiting for you elsewhere.
Here are 10 proven strategies to help you get started:

Talk to your boss

Sit down and have a very direct and pointed conversation with your boss about your future in the company. Stress that you want your job performance to meet the company’s goals. Share your own career goals with him or her.

Ask for more
Volunteering to help out other departments or teams — or simply asking for more responsibilities — increases your value within the organization. Asking for additional work shows an interest and desire to help your department and company to succeed.

Volunteer for boards
If you have your career set on something beyond what you are doing in your present position, seek out opportunities to volunteer or serve on advisory boards, where you can build a reputation as someone who is passionate and dedicated to your particular industry.

Sharpen your people skills
Strong interpersonal skills play a crucial role in gaining the respect of your boss and coworkers; they will also attract the notice of outside influencers who might open new doors of opportunity for you.

Be innovative
Never be afraid to think outside of the box and put your business acumen to work. Stay on the lookout for creative solutions to problems that will make you — and your boss — look good.

Find a mentor
Develop mentoring relationships, either inside or outside the company. Recent studies have shown that four out of five promotions are influenced by a mentor higher up in the company.

Sell yourself
Learn the fine art of self-promotion. If you have had major accomplishments or created successful programs, make sure people know about it — especially those in influential positions who could help you advance professionally.

Keep learning
A proven way to advance in your career is to be continually acquiring new knowledge. Stay on top of trends or developments in your field and make sure that your current résumé reflects those needed skills.

Strengthen your personal network and join professional organizations, attend industry conferences, or even volunteer. The more people who are aware of your strengths and abilities, the better your chances of hearing about any new opportunities that might arise.

Build your reputation
In business, your reputation is the most valuable thing you own. Be known for being dependable, professional, and cooperative. Act and look the part by dressing professionally. Make a name for yourself by attending conferences, delivering speeches, or writing articles.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tips to making a career change

Career Change
Most often we get so frustrated with the routine of what we do daily, and want to quit the job. When you stop enjoy what you daily and it start feeling like punishment and no longer pleasurable, then it looks like you would need a change of profession. Don’t be in a hurry to take this decision; you need time to properly evaluate the situation.

Why Do I Want To Change My Career?
You need to be plain about the answer you give to this question because it would determine a lot. You need to ask yourself. What is the cogent reason I would want to do something else from what I am doing currently.

Do I Really Want A Career Change?
you have to think about this very well, because making a total turn around is going to cost you, hope you know that? So you have to be sure that you really want to change.

What Kind Of Job Would I Be Happy Doing?
Determine the kind of work you would like to do, if eventually you end up changing your career.

What Are My Marketable Skills And Capabilities?
write down all your skills, both interpersonal and organizational skills, and evaluate this and determine if they fit into the new career path that you are opting for.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Top 4 Career change tips

Mainly career change tips is mention below:

New Job vs. Career Change

First, ask yourself if your job blues revolve around external situations at your current workplace or an overall dislike of your profession. There are many reasons for job dissatisfaction that do not necessarily warrant a career change

Choosing a New Career
If you’ve come to the conclusion that a career makeover is in order, not just a new job, you are not alone. If you’re not sure exactly where your heart is leading you there are many resources that can help take the guesswork out of career change.

Smooth Career Transitioning

The thoughtful approach is to test the waters before diving headfirst into a new career. Volunteer, moonlight, work weekends – get some exposure to your new calling before taking the plunge.

Small Steps Toward Career Fulfillment

Inertia might be the biggest stumbling block to those longing to change careers. It’s all too easy to stay with the status quo, especially if your situation doesn't fall into the "completely intolerable" category yet.

Monday, April 04, 2011

5 Tips to Secure Your Career Future

Whether you want to get ahead in your current career, change careers completely, or you’re worried about job security and want to plan for a more secure future.

Plan ahead

Set out a training and development plan for the next 6 or 12 months. What skills do you want to improve? What do you want to be able to put in your CV by the end of the year.

Set some big goals

You will tend to overestimate what you can do in a single day, and underestimate what you can do in 6 months. Set yourself some big targets to achieve and you will push harder to achieve them.

Don’t put money first

A bigger salary may be attractive but don’t forget that the people you will be working with, the companies values, the management and the role are all also important.

Do more of what you enjoy

Work out what motivates you and try to do more of that. Seek out opportunities to do more of what motivates you in your current job and increase your skills and experience in this areas.

Update and polish your CV

Make sure your CV is up to date and have lots of information available so that you can target your CV to any opportunity that comes up.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Interview Preparation & Rules

Interview Preparation Tips
Communication Skills: while communicating with interviewer you must be confident , making eye contact, firm handshake.
Confidence: As confidence is the key to cross every barrier of life.

Listen: Before the interview your interviewer give information, you must hear it carefully, otherwise you may lose some important points.

Dress Properly: your dress makes the first impression, so be wear some formal clothes or a business suit.

Use Proper Language: Use proper professional language during the interview. Don't use any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, religion, politics or sexual orientation.

Talk up to the point: Telling the interviewer more than he want to know could be a fatal mistake. Answer only those question what he asked, reply up to point.

Interview Rules
Puntuality: Be on time for your interview. If possible reach the venue 15 to 20 min before the schedule time.

Research: Research about the company before going for interview. You must know about the services, work culture, clients, domains ,products, customes, about CEO of company etc.
Enthusiasm: when you enter in the room, handshake with the interviewer and eye contact describe your confidence.

Prepared: Bring all the copies of your certificates, extra copies of your resume. You should also have questions prepared to ask at the end of the interview.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

7-Top Interview Tips

1: Plan Ahead

Do a little homework! Research the company and the position if possible, as well, the people you will meet with at the interview.

2: Role Play

Once you have finished studying, begin role playing. Use the general questions provided below in the Interview Preparation Area. Write down answers if it helps to make your presentation more concise.

3: Eye Contact

Maintain eye contact with your interviewer. Show you want the job with your interest.

4: Be Positive

In particular, avoid negative comments about past employers.

5: Adapt

Listen and adapt. Be sensitive to the style of the interviewer. Pay attention to those details of dress, office furniture, and general decor which will afford helpful clues to assist you in tailoring your presentation.

6: Relate

Try to relate your answers to the interviewer and his or her company.

7: Encourage

Encourage the interviewer to share information about his or her company. Demonstrate your interest.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

10 steps plan to career changes

1: Assessment of Likes and Dislikes

Many people change their careers because they dislike job and company. So, identifying the dislikes is often the easier part of this step; however, you will not know what direction to change your career unless you examine your likes.

2: Researching New Careers

Once you've discovered your passion, spend some time researching the types of careers that center around your passions. Don't worry if you're feeling a bit unsure or insecure -- it's a natural part of the career change process.

3: Transferable Skills

Leverage some of your current skills and experiences to your new career. There are many skills that are transferable and applicable to what you want to do in your new career. You may be surprised to see that you already have a solid amount of experience for your new career.

4: Training and Education

You may find it necessary to update your skills and broaden your knowledge. Take it slowly. If the skill you need to learn is one you could use in your current job, see if your current employer would be willing to pick up the tab.

5: Networking

One of the real keys to successfully changing careers will be your networking abilities. People in your network may be able to give you job leads, offer you advice and information about a particular company or industry, and introduce you to others so that you can expand your network.

6: Gaining Experience

Remember that you are starting your career again from square one. Obtaining a part-time job or volunteering in your new career field not only can solidify your decision, but give you much needed experience in your new career.

7: Find a Mentor

Changing careers is a major life decision that can get overwhelming at times. Find a mentor who can help you through the rough patches. Your mentor may also be able to help you by taking advantage of his or her network.

8: Changing In or Out

Some people change careers, but never change employers. Unfortunately, only the very progressive employers recognize that once happy employees can be happy and productive again - in a different capacity. It's more than likely that you will need to switch employers to change fields, but don't overlook your current employer.

9: Job-Hunting Basics

If it's been a while since you've had to use your job-hunting tools and skills, now is the time for a refresher course.

10: Be Flexible

You'll need to be flexible about nearly everything - from your employment status to relocation and salary. Set positive goals for yourself, but expect setbacks and change - and don't let these things get you down.