The teenage years are an extremely important time in a person's life. Teenagers have an opportunity to build upon what they learn in school and apply it to life either in the work force or as part of their post-secondary education. It is also extremely important for teens to start planning about their future, including their career goals.
Finish High School
Nearly every job requires some communication and problem solving skills. Compared to those with post-secondary education, high school drop outs have difficulty getting and keeping jobs. They also earn much less throughout their lifetime.
Plan your career
Seek out information about careers that interest you and have favourable prospects, high earnings and will afford you the type of life style you seek. Having a solid career plan can have a huge impact on your future job prospects.
Research career information
Start thinking about the various industries and companies that may interest you. A small investment of your time could pay huge dividends in the future as there are hundreds of occupations and choosing the right one and planning a career is a complex task.
Consider college or university
The more education you get, the more you will learn, the more you will be able to contribute to an employer and the more you will be able to earn. Post secondary education includes vocational training for those wishing to take up a specific trade.
Develop computer skills
Basic computer skills are absolutely essential in today's technology driven world. Take advantage of every available opportunity while at school or through local organizations to acquire computer proficiency.
Create a resume
You will have to market yourself and your skills to employers - one way of doing this is with a resume. Learning about resume preparation and job search techniques will help you now and in the future.
Gain work experience
Be on the lookout for a job, be it part-time, an internship or as a volunteer early on in life. Working is the best way to learn and the hands on experience is greatly sought by all employers.
Continue learning
It is important to continue learning, even when you have finished your studies and have a job. The average worker has eight jobs before age 32 so you have to be ready for change and learning is the only way to ensure that you are upgrading your skills and are ready to adapt you career.
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