To acquire CeMAP qualification, there is no prescribed minimum academic qualification and there is also no need for any industry experience. All that is required of you is a strong aptitude and a passion for the mortgage profession.
To achieve an overall pass in the CeMAP, you need to pass each of the following three CeMAP modules:
• CeMAP 1 - UK Financial Regulation (divided into Units 1 & 2)
• CeMAP 2 – Mortgages (divided into Units 3, 4, 5 & 6)
• CeMAP 3 - Assessment of Mortgage Advice Knowledge (divided into three parts, A, B & C)
Intensive Class room training - This is by far the most common training option available and the usual format is - CeMAP: 5-day course (Monday to Friday 9AM to 5PM). As the syllabus to be covered is rather vast, the CeMAP trainer has to drive the group at a fixed speed in the 5-day intensive course. If you think you are not best suited to this style of learning, you need to think of an alternative training method.
Home study program online (distance learning) - If you consider it difficult to take a week away from work for attending intensive classroom program, a home-based online learning option might prove to be a better alternative. Many trainers offer a well- developed computer-based CeMAP study software package. This learning methodology will contain everything that is included in the intensive classroom courses. Interestingly, many trainers also provide with live telephone and email back-up support, seven days per week.One-to-one training - From start to finish, this method will usually take a fortnight to complete and you may have noticed that this dedicated one-to-one training option is only as expensive as the group training course. The one-to-one training session can be conducted at a location in your area as that will save you time and money. You will get the full attention of the trainer instead of sharing it with others in the group.
Shijina is an expert SEO copywriter for CeMAP. She has been written many articles like CeMAP training, CeMAP courses,Home study CeMAP,FREE CeMAP Guide Book,CeMAP 1,2 and more, For more information visit our site cemap-training.com.
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