Research thoroughly about the company you are going for an interview. Find out the business of the company, what are the skills they are looking for, how you can contribute to the company's growth, company's prospects, your growth prospects etc. etc. Use your network to find out about the company, talk to career consultants to find out, look out on the internet.
If company has a web presence, visit their web site and note down all the factors, which will help you arrive at a decision. Make a list of questions you may have come up. These can be asked and get answered at the time of interview.
Talk to friends/acquaintances in the company to find out the inner details.
Dress formally for the interview, but don't overdress. Dress what is appropriate in your climate.
Always reach 15-30 minutes earlier than the expected time. You can use effectively utilize that time to make observations about the company and its employees.
If possible, get the interview scheduled in the morning hours, the time when both you and the interviewers are still fresh.
About the questions asked, always reply to the point. Do not repeat the same thing and politely decline, in case you don't know the answers. No one is supposed to know everything.
Look straight in the eyes of the person while talking. This shows your confidence.
Always have your doubts cleared at the end of the interview. Ask all the questions you had made a list. This shows you are sincere and have done your homework before appearing for the interview.
Never ask for the salary figures/details in the interviews. Leave these questions for later.
If an expected salary figure is asked, politely tell that it should be commensurate with your skills and experience. If still pressed for figure, give your currently drawn salary and ask for an appropriate raise over it.
At the end of the interview, always thank the interviewers and shake their hands.
Last but not the least, whatever may be your requirement for the job, never show your desperation for it
1 comment:
injected sum in my brain.definitely made it more enjoyable.Thanks
Career Questionnaire
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