Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Quick Tips to Get New Readers
2. Speak to 1 Person - Use your article to communicate directly to a single reader. Focus on using "you" instead of "he", "she", "they", etc. This influences the readers perception that you are speaking directly to them and not to just anyone out in cyberspace. Plus, if it's your first impression with a reader, it's a great way to start forming a relationship for the future.
3. Provide Original Information - Deliver your story and information in a fresh and original way. Your originality is what will set you apart from other authors. Remember, quality still matters, and having an original article is just part of the equation. You also need to make sure your article is built soundly with proper grammar and punctuation.
4. Draw Inspiration - Use experiences in your everyday life for writing inspiration. Live in your niche and bring your personal experiences and stories into your articles. Try to write those ideas down that come to you right when they pop in your head. Then you'll have them ready for when you have time to write.
5. Be Creative - Tell a new story with every article you write. Break the mold and get creative. The more you incorporate your creativity into your articles, the more likely you'll start to gain a wider audience.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Is your boring job leading you to burnout? here are 5 tips
Researchers of University of Zaragoza in Spain believe that if you do not do something about your job and continue to get bored, it will eventually lead to a burn out. Burnout is a psychological term for the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest.
Sometimes only a change of viewpoint is needed to convert a tiresome duty into an interesting opportunity so here are a few tips on how you can save yourself from burn out.
Create New Challenges:
Challenges are a key factor in your job. Every day when you encounter different challenges, you grow as a person and as an employee. If your job does not have anything interesting you will have to explore the dimensions of your job and see if you could make your profile more worthwhile. Setting up goals, thinking of how to make your job creative and how to improve your productivity is something you can concentrate on. Take the initiative to create challenges for yourself.
Asking for more responsibility:
If you continue to do the same thing again and again, and you're good at it, people are going to keep asking you to do that one thing, That may be fine as far as
Improve your skills:
Choose a skill that you often felt that needs more of your attention, sharpening and polishing. It is the best opportunity to work on your skills and it will be useful for y
Add variety:
Variety is a great way to spice up boring tasks. Try doing your activity in a new way. See if there is a different method for solving the same problem. Having routines can keep you
Reclaim Your Sense of Humor:
It doesn't seem funny when you lose your motivation and can't seem to find your way. The best way to change this is by simply deciding to do so. Look for the humor i
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Thursday, July 07, 2011
Ten Tips on Career Advancement
1. Talk to Your Boss
Sit down and have a very direct and pointed conversation with your boss about your future in the company. Stress that you want your job performance to meet the company's goals. Share your own career goals. Your boss will respect this display of confidence and maturity.2. Ask for More Work
Volunteering to help out other departments or teams -- or simply asking for more responsibilities -- increases your value within the organization. Asking for additional work shows an interest and desire to help your department and company to succeed. It also puts a spotlight on your value to the business.
3. Volunteer for Boards
If you have your career set on something beyond what you are doing in your present position, seek out opportunities to volunteer or serve on advisory boards, where you can build a reputation as someone who is passionate and dedicated to your particular target industry.
4. Sharpen Your People Skills
Strong interpersonal skills play a crucial role in gaining the respect of your boss and co-workers; they will also attract the notice of outside influencers who might open new doors of opportunity for you. Be friendly, outgoing, and personable. Listen carefully to people, and practice being a clear and effective communicator.
5. Be Innovative
Never be afraid to think outside the box and put your business acumen to work. Stay on the lookout for creative solutions to problems that will make you -- and your boss -- look good.
6. Find a Mentor
Develop mentoring relationships, either inside or outside of your company. Recent studies have shown that four out of five promotions are influenced by a mentor higher up in the company. Mentors are also great sources of information and career guidance.
7. Sell Yourself
Learn the fine art of self-promotion. If you have had major accomplishments or created successful programs, make sure people know about it -- especially those in influential positions who could help you advance professionally. Let it be known that you are seeking a promotion or the next step up in your career.
8. Keep Learning
A proven way to advance in your career is to be continually acquiring new knowledge. Stay on top of trends or developments in your field and make sure that your current résumé reflects those needed skills.
9. Expand Your Network
Strengthen your personal network by joining professional organizations, attending industry conferences, or even volunteering. The more people who are aware of your strengths and abilities, the better your chances of hearing about any new opportunities that might arise.
10. Build Your Reputation
In business, your reputation is the most valuable thing you own. Be known for being dependable, professional, and cooperative. Act and look the part by dressing professionally. Make a name for yourself by attending conferences, delivering speeches, or writing articles.