Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Interview Preparation & Rules

Interview Preparation Tips
Communication Skills: while communicating with interviewer you must be confident , making eye contact, firm handshake.
Confidence: As confidence is the key to cross every barrier of life.

Listen: Before the interview your interviewer give information, you must hear it carefully, otherwise you may lose some important points.

Dress Properly: your dress makes the first impression, so be wear some formal clothes or a business suit.

Use Proper Language: Use proper professional language during the interview. Don't use any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, religion, politics or sexual orientation.

Talk up to the point: Telling the interviewer more than he want to know could be a fatal mistake. Answer only those question what he asked, reply up to point.

Interview Rules
Puntuality: Be on time for your interview. If possible reach the venue 15 to 20 min before the schedule time.

Research: Research about the company before going for interview. You must know about the services, work culture, clients, domains ,products, customes, about CEO of company etc.
Enthusiasm: when you enter in the room, handshake with the interviewer and eye contact describe your confidence.

Prepared: Bring all the copies of your certificates, extra copies of your resume. You should also have questions prepared to ask at the end of the interview.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

7-Top Interview Tips

1: Plan Ahead

Do a little homework! Research the company and the position if possible, as well, the people you will meet with at the interview.

2: Role Play

Once you have finished studying, begin role playing. Use the general questions provided below in the Interview Preparation Area. Write down answers if it helps to make your presentation more concise.

3: Eye Contact

Maintain eye contact with your interviewer. Show you want the job with your interest.

4: Be Positive

In particular, avoid negative comments about past employers.

5: Adapt

Listen and adapt. Be sensitive to the style of the interviewer. Pay attention to those details of dress, office furniture, and general decor which will afford helpful clues to assist you in tailoring your presentation.

6: Relate

Try to relate your answers to the interviewer and his or her company.

7: Encourage

Encourage the interviewer to share information about his or her company. Demonstrate your interest.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

10 steps plan to career changes

1: Assessment of Likes and Dislikes

Many people change their careers because they dislike job and company. So, identifying the dislikes is often the easier part of this step; however, you will not know what direction to change your career unless you examine your likes.

2: Researching New Careers

Once you've discovered your passion, spend some time researching the types of careers that center around your passions. Don't worry if you're feeling a bit unsure or insecure -- it's a natural part of the career change process.

3: Transferable Skills

Leverage some of your current skills and experiences to your new career. There are many skills that are transferable and applicable to what you want to do in your new career. You may be surprised to see that you already have a solid amount of experience for your new career.

4: Training and Education

You may find it necessary to update your skills and broaden your knowledge. Take it slowly. If the skill you need to learn is one you could use in your current job, see if your current employer would be willing to pick up the tab.

5: Networking

One of the real keys to successfully changing careers will be your networking abilities. People in your network may be able to give you job leads, offer you advice and information about a particular company or industry, and introduce you to others so that you can expand your network.

6: Gaining Experience

Remember that you are starting your career again from square one. Obtaining a part-time job or volunteering in your new career field not only can solidify your decision, but give you much needed experience in your new career.

7: Find a Mentor

Changing careers is a major life decision that can get overwhelming at times. Find a mentor who can help you through the rough patches. Your mentor may also be able to help you by taking advantage of his or her network.

8: Changing In or Out

Some people change careers, but never change employers. Unfortunately, only the very progressive employers recognize that once happy employees can be happy and productive again - in a different capacity. It's more than likely that you will need to switch employers to change fields, but don't overlook your current employer.

9: Job-Hunting Basics

If it's been a while since you've had to use your job-hunting tools and skills, now is the time for a refresher course.

10: Be Flexible

You'll need to be flexible about nearly everything - from your employment status to relocation and salary. Set positive goals for yourself, but expect setbacks and change - and don't let these things get you down.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Top 10 Interview Tips

1. Prepare and over-prepare

Preparation should be done in such a way that you have thorough knowledge of the organization plus you should be able to answer all questions regarding the position related to that interview.

2. If you don’t know admit it

If at anytime during the interview you are faced with a dilemma of not knowing something then don’t hesitate in admitting the same. You could also ask the recruiter to rephrase the question for you again and yet if you remain unsure of your reply you will be better of admitting that you do not know the answer. After all not everyone is a genius to know every answer.

3. Make sure your responses match your claims

It is quite common that you could have had some kind of on job training during your previous job, or you could have taken extra coursework to qualify for a particular position. Your resume would reflect that surely and the license or certification will be there as well. While speaking about such a qualification do not overstate the facts but just subtly build upon it as your strength.

4. Speak about your strengths with confidence

The interviewers will certainly discuss with you about your weaknesses & strengths. Thus it is of great importance that you not only know about your strengths but are also able to emphasize such strengths that can have an impact on the job you have applied for. Do not rush through at all as this is your chance to create a massive impression.

5. How best to describe your weakness as strengths

This is tricky, so let's think about why the question is asked. The interviewer probably wants to learn several things about you with this question, such as: whether or not you are arrogant ("I really don't think I have any weaknesses"), whether you know yourself ("Well, I've never really thought about that"), and finally, what you are doing to eliminate your weaknesses.

6. Speak Softly

During your interview you must approach a conversation or answer by speaking slowly and softly than you usually do. If you are heard well means your words are getting across clearly.

7. Speak about your aim and display enthusiasm

The exact response depends upon the specifics of your job hunting campaign, but the principle is: be specific while allowing yourself the flexibility which suggests that you understand the complexities of the business you're applying for.

8. Be Friendly

You might be very cordial and exceptionally bright but if you cannot gel with the others as a team then you might become a loner. Also during the interview do not attempt to get to friendly with the interviewer; he might want you to leave in a hurry.

9. You would like to interview the interviewer

Some unknown conditions might warrant a few applicants to settle for anything offered then they aren’t going to get the best jobs either. Good and foresighted interviewers shall respect your knowledge about the organization and the prized attached to such a job.

10. End on a positive note.

In case of the interview not turning out to be the way you planned it, leave the place on a positive note. Convey your thanks to the panel & that you look forward to hearing from them soon. Another positive thing you can say that its was a challenging but rewarding day. Make eye contact panel members and shake hands as well. This will create a good impression against if you leave without saying a word.