Monday, August 27, 2007


A currency is a component of exchange, facilitating the transfer of supplies and services. It is a form of money, where money is an capable medium of exchange, and it is also considered by a number of people as a store of value, created through a claim to its central bank assets. A currency zone is a country in which a specific currency is the main medium of exchange. To facilitate trade between currency zones, there are exchange price at which currencies can be exchanged beside each other. Currencies can be classified as also floating currencies or fixed currencies based on their exchange rate regime.

In general usage, currency at times refers to only paper money, as in "coins and currency", but this is confusing. Coins and paper money are both forms of currency.In most cases, each country has control over the supply and manufacture of its own currency.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Count wheel

Count wheel striking: the unequally spaced notches in the external count wheel on the right side of this tower clock movement regulate the number of times the bell is struck. Two technologies have been devised by clockmakers to enable striking clocks to correctly count out the hours. The earlier technology is called count wheel striking. This uses a wheel that contains notches on its side, spaced by unequal, increasing arc segments. This count wheel governs the rotation of the striking train. When the striking train is released by the timekeeping train, a lever is lifted from a notch on the count wheel; the uneven notches allow the striking train to move only far enough to sound the correct number of times, after which the lever falls back into thatch and stops the striking train from turning further.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Harrington jacket

A Harrington jacket is a type of tiny, lightweight jacket, made of cotton, polyester, wool or suede — generally with a tartan or check-patterned lining.

The initial Harrington-style jackets were made by British clothing company, Baracuta, in the 1930s; the company is still making the same model, the G9. This style of jacket got the nickname Harrington because it was worn by the personality Rodney Harrington (played by Ryan O'Neal) in the 1960s television program Peyton Place; John Simmons, who opened 'The Ivy Shop', Richmond, London, claims to have coined this explanation.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


The toothbrush is a device used to clean teeth, consisting of a tiny brush on a handle. Toothpaste, often containing fluoride, is commonly added to a toothbrush to assist in cleaning. Toothbrushes are offered with changeable textures of bristles, and come in many different sizes and forms. Most dentists recommend using a toothbrush labeled "Soft", since firmer bristled toothbrushes can harm tooth enamel and irritate gums as indicated by the American Dental Association. Toothbrushes are often ready from synthetic fibers, although natural toothbrushes are also known in many parts of the world.